In the animation Mother Land, the Yates, a nomadic tribe of Tundra, adhere to the traditional lifestyle despite the conciliatory and coercion of development. A little girl, Krisha; her younger brother, Kolya; and her mother and father live happily in the traditional way. However, one day, while her mother is ill and her father goes to the city to get medicine, Krisha and Kolya ..在这个世界上,没有绝对的公平,但我们可以追求相对的正义。
渡边久美子 小樱悦子 中田让治 子安武人 草尾毅 桑岛法子 斋藤千和 平松晶子 石田彰 池泽春菜 能登麻美子 广桥凉 矢岛晶子 大塚芳忠 松元环季 本城雄太郎 竹达彩奈 巽悠衣子 佐仓绫音 柳田淳一 千叶繁 藤原启治